Bulbs are one of the most common parts in a tanning bed. They are often quite expensive, so it is important to know how to change them when they start to burn out or stop working. Here’s how you can do this yourself!
The how to remove acrylic from tanning bed is a question that has been asked by many people. There are 5 simple steps to changing the bulbs in a tanning bed.
We’ll discover how to change tanning bed bulbs, what kinds of bulbs are available, and when a bulb needs to be replaced in this post.
It’s wonderful to live somewhere with tropical weather and receive your daily dose of sunlight. But what about places and countries where there are few sunny days or when the winter months are long? Tanning beds have quickly become the finest option for maintaining a golden skin tone. The more you use something, the sooner it has to be maintained.
Buying Guide for Tanning Bed Bulbs
First and first, don’t be confused by the words tanning bed bulbs and tanning bed lamps, which are used interchangeably in our tutorial and many other publications on the internet.
“Tanning bed bulbs” is a more common term, although “tanning bed lamps” is also acceptable.
Before you can learn how to change tanning bed bulbs, you must first learn how to choose the best replacement lights. There are numerous goods on the market, but you may take these things into account while buying!
Is it better to use an RDC or a Bi-pin connector?
Bi-pin bulbs are more common, as indicated by the two protruding pins.
Recessed Double Contact (RDC) bulbs contain two pins as well, however they are protected by an adaptor.
Bi-pin bulbs provide you additional options since they work with a wide range of tanning beds.
The Length of the Bulb – F Number
The F number on the bulbs stands for Fluorescent + the lamp’s (or bulb’s) length in inches. The most frequent sizes are F71, F72, and F73.
In the vast majority of instances, you should get F71. Although they are bi-pin bulbs, adapters may be used to convert them to RDC bulbs in the F72 and F73 sizes.
T Number – Bulb Dimensions
Eighths of an inch is what the T number refers to. The majority of tanning bed bulbs are T12 sizes, which are equivalent to twelve eighths of an inch. UV ray coverage and intensity are determined by the T number.
Watts of power
Bulb power is typically 100 Watts, although it may be lower or greater. The greater the Watts number, the less time you’ll need to spend tanning. A bulb with a too high wattage, on the other hand, may burn your flesh. The safest option for you is to go with the standard 100W bulbs.
Time Spent in Use
The tanning bed bulbs will begin to lose efficiency halfway through their lifetime. You won’t notice since the light isn’t dimmer, but UV radiation will be much less effective.
Continue to the next section to learn how to test your bulbs and determine whether or not they need to be replaced.
What is the maximum amount I am willing to spend? When purchasing an expensive object, you should ask yourself this question.
Tanning bed lights, like other goods for sale, are not all the same. You may be put off by the high price on the label tag, but if you do the arithmetic, it might not be that bad. Over example, a $400 investment for five years is less costly than a $200 investment for just three years.
How to Test Bulbs for Tanning Beds
It’s time to change the bulbs in your tanning bed lights if you detect the following signs:
- If you own a salon, you should replace the tanning bulbs once a year to keep the tanning beds in good working order. Meanwhile, the bulbs in a home tanning bed don’t need to be replaced every three or four years.
- If the bulbs begin to flicker, they have reached the end of their useful life. Unfortunately, the skin benefits may have been gradually wearing off before you noticed the lambs’ malfunction.
- Keep an eye on the outcome of a tanning session. If the tanning bed takes longer than usual to get the same effect, it’s time to change the out-of-date bulbs.
We couldn’t possible keep track of the minutes and hours spent in the tanning bed, but you can set a timer and start it every time you use it. It will assist you in marking the occasion!
How do you change the bulbs in your tanning bed?
Know when it’s time to start working.
Changing the tanning lights at the appropriate times can maintain your tanning bed in top condition while also saving you money.
The general rule is that tanning bed bulbs do not have to cease glowing to be considered out of service.
The capacity of a tanning lamp to generate both UVA and UVB radiation, simulating a sunbathing session, determines its effectiveness. The quantity of UV radiation your bulbs can deliver may diminish over time. If the bulbs are marked with a 1000-hours label, that indicates they will not light up at all after 1000 hours, but they will have already lost their efficacy.
Partially changing bulbs is not a good idea.
Replace all of the bulbs in your tanning bed at once if you’re going to do so.
You may expect an uneven tan if the function and efficiency of the bulbs vary. In the worst-case scenario, a new bulb emitting strong UV rays may burn portions of your body, causing discomfort.
Furthermore, while you’re collecting your equipment and rolling up your sleeves, why not fully replace your tanning bed’s lamps?
Determine which bulbs you’ll need.
For all tanning beds, we can’t use the same bulbs. It may cause the gadget to malfunction and burn your flesh. You will only come across a few kinds of lights on your journey: RDC or Bi-pin bulbs with a F number of 71–73, a T of 12, and a power of 100W.
Different bulbs may be used in different sections.
If you buy a high-tech tanning bed, it may come with various kinds of bulbs that are intended for different regions. The bulbs aimed at your lower torso, for example, may be a little stronger than those aimed at your face.
Because certain areas of our skin are more prone to tanning than others, the makers conceived of this arrangement. UV light at a level that darkens the skin on your legs is not good for your face and neck. You don’t want to get sunburned when attempting to brighten up your complexion.
Step by Step Instructions
Aside from this advice, make sure you follow the instructions in your tanning bed’s handbook. With so much knowledge about UV bulbs, you’re halfway to being a mechanist!
1. Disconnect the tanning bed from the power supply.
Always put your safety first! Before doing anything else, disconnect your tanning bed from the power source, just like any other electrical equipment. The typical 220V electric current is potentially fatal to humans.
2. Make a list of essential facts.
Check the wattage, size, and length of the bulbs before ordering the required number. If you need to buy a variety of bulbs, write it down on a piece of paper so you don’t forget or make a mistake!
3. Take away the covering
To access the bulbs, you must first remove the plastic covering. From the exterior, it seems impenetrable, yet the acrylic will be held together by a clamp. The first step is to locate and remove the clamp, after which the shield will easily fall off.
If you can’t seem to locate the clamp, check the instructions or the manufacturer.
4. Change the bulbs.
To release the prongs, carefully grasp the bulb and spin it counterclockwise. Because bulbs are extremely delicate, be cautious and use both hands to support them. You may have a big mess to clean up if you drop even one of them.
If you’re working with a variety of bulb kinds, arrange them on a safe surface in a pattern that you can remember so you don’t lose track of the sequence.
After that, replace the bulbs in the same manner you removed the old ones, fastening the prongs in the socket.
For your convenience, make sure the wording or label tag on the bulbs is pointing upright.
5. Replace the shield and put the tanning bed to the test.
Place the plastic shields back in place and secure them with the clamps.
You may now plug the tanning bed back in and turn it on, making sure that all of the new lights are lit. Your bed is ready to use for at least a year!
Additional Advice on Changing Tanning Bed Bulbs
Invest on a bed cleaner.
Instead of depending on window cleaners while searching for tanning bed lights, take advantage of the chance to pick up a bed cleaner. UV rays may be prevented by chlorine or ordinary glass cleaners. On the long term, it will disturb the operation of tanning lights and decrease their efficacy.
Clean the interior of the house.
When you disassemble your tanning bed, you have the ideal opportunity to clean the inner workings of the bed and get it working like new. The reflectors will not provide adequate UV light if they are obstructed by dust. To remove the coating powder from your new bulbs, you may need to clean them.
Both the lights and the reflectors may be cleaned using a glass cleaner, but the plastic shields will need a different cleaning solution.
If necessary, get assistance.
Getting assistance if you’re replacing your tanning bed bulbs for the first time is a smart idea. Someone else would provide you an additional set of hands and eyes, preventing any mishaps with the fragile and costly bulbs.
Time spent sunbathing is reduced.
You’ll receive more UV radiation in the same amount of time after replacing the bulbs in your tanning bed. You may now keep your session under 10 minutes if it was previously 15 minutes.
UV Tanning’s Risks
We will never be fully immune to UV radiation, and the danger of skin cancer will always be a concern. Knowing what you’re up against can help you plan safety measures.
- Wear your goggles at all times.
- Follow the instructions in the handbook for the best duration of each session for your skin type.
- Keep the first sessions brief.
- Avoid going to the tanning bed more than once a week.
How frequently should I replace the bulbs in my tanning bed?
Standard bulbs have a 1000-hour lifetime, but you may change them after 700 hours of usage. It translates to 42000 minutes, or 2100 20-minute sessions. The bulbs may last up to 6 years if you use the tanning bed once a day.
When you think about it, the bulbs aren’t exactly wasting their time. Even if you don’t use it, the interior details of the bulbs will change after 6 years. It is preferable to replace them sooner rather than later when a problem arises.
I’m not sure whether I should use bronzing bulbs or tanning lights.
When opposed to bronzing bulbs, tanning bulbs contain a smaller proportion of UVA rays, which means they have a deeper effect on your skin, resulting in a base tan but also the risk of burns.
If you want fast results, bronzing bulbs are a better option, but they are only effective if you are an expert tanner.
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If you really want to attempt, learning how to replace tanning bed bulbs and maintain the equipment running properly is pretty simple. We highly advise you to invest in the finest bulbs you can afford, as they will serve you well for a long time.
The how to change sunquest tanning bed bulbs is a question that has been asked for a while. The process of changing the bulbs in a tanning bed can be done with 5 simple steps.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it hard to change tanning bed bulbs?
The process of changing tanning bed bulbs is relatively simple. It just requires a little bit of effort and time, but its not too difficult.
How long does it take to change tanning bed bulbs?
Do tanning bed bulbs need to warm up?
No, tanning bed bulbs are not required to warm up.