There isn’t a single woman out there who hasn’t asked this question at least once. Persistent hair is one of the main issues women all over the world face. It causes them insecurities, it downs’ them look good on their body, and is a reoccurring thing. No one likes excessive hair and ladies lest of them all. These days even men cut more of their body hair than was the case in the distant past. It is an issue that most people would love to resolve once and for all.
This is easier said and done. Even to this day, there isn’t a cheap do-it-at-home method to achieve this. If you try to Google out the solution it might bring you to a dead-end or at least a dark alley. This is why we’re going to try to shed some light on the issue. This problem isn’t the same for everyone, so there can’t be only one definite answer. You can opt for many options that are out there on the market. There’s waxing, laser treatments, and of course the standard shaving. While having hair on many parts of our bodies is normal, it’s better to have it removed from some areas.

Aesthetically there’s no dilemma here. It needs to disappear. If this is what you wish for and you’ve been asking what is the most permanent method of hair removal, you’re in the right place. We’re going to discuss this subject for a bit, so stay with us.
Can It Be Done?

We need to start from the straight facts. The first thing we need to discuss is if there are even such things as permanent hair removal. We hope you’re not going to run on us here when we say that it’s not a possibility. You can’t handle this issue for eternity. No, it’s not possible. The best available solutions are laser hair removal or electrolysis.
Yes, we know this is a hard pill to swallow, but that’s how things are. The only way you can have it gone is if it stops growing. This happens due to hormonal changes in our bodies. So while it could solve this issue, it would probably signal that you’re not healthy, so it’s nothing to desire. So while there’s no 100% success you could find in this domain, you need to settle with the next best thing.
Hair Removers

We’re going to start with hair removers before we mentioned laser treatments or electrolysis because most ladies want to handle this issue at their homes. Removing hair from armpits or hands doesn’t require leaving your house.
To do the work with a remover all you need to do is to find the right product. One of those that can get the job done in no time and with little hassle is without a doubt YAMANGU, and it is our sincere recommendation to get one of these. It is a stable hair remover that screams permanency. It can do the job on most parts of your body including the face, armpits, legs, and bikini zone.
It goes far beyond what a standard hair remover offers. If you use it for eight weeks most of your hair will only come back in traces in the weeks that follow. The best part is that it fits your hand perfectly, it has a cooling function, and you’ll have no issues storing it in your bathroom. Also, it causes almost no amount of pain, which is something to look forward to when you get your hair done the next time. If for some reason this is not your cup of tea, let’s move on to the next option.

This is a complex procedure and to undergo it you’ll need a help of an expert. It is a bit painful procedure which in some instances requires even anesthesia. It is done through a set of needles that are threaded directly into each separate hair follicle. When it touches it, a release of an electric current is released into your body to destroy it. It’s ideal for parts of your body such as lips and chin. But it could cause you to have scarring and swelling for a while.
Another aspect that isn’t great is that it requires multiple procedures before the job is done.
Tweezing and Shaving

These two manners of getting the pesky hair done are similar in a way so we bonded them into one paragraph. Both of them are more familiar to women than any would love to admit. The first one consists of garbing a hair with tweezers and ripping the hair out. It is used mostly for the eyebrows. When a hair is removed this way it takes it another month or more to grow back again. The one issue with this method is the possibility of ingrown hairs. Also, it’s recommended that you use sterile tweezers.
Shaving on the other hand is a bit more aggressive approach. All you need to do is to use a razor or a shaver and remove the hair which is seen on the surface. This is a method that gives the hair the biggest chance of a swift comeback. Before shaving, you need to moist your skin and it’s recommended that you use a clean shaver and do it in the direction in which the hair grows and not the other way around. If you don’t listen to this advice you’ll face multiple ingrown hairs.
Laser Treatment

This is a quite modern approach especially compared to the two we had above. It also needs to be done professionally, by a trained aide. It is an efficient way to remove your hair and after a few treatments, your hair issues will be lesser. Your skin will be hit with beams of laser-like lights that will destroy the follicle with heat. You can use this treatment on any part of your body. It works best for all of you dark-haired light-skinned beauties. The results are also long-lasting and can standstill for over a year. The side effects include burnings and scarring so to avoid any of these you’re better off seeing a professional who is also a doctor.